
From My Team

Meet Brooke!!!!  She has been with the team since 2015 and still going strong. This is her story:  

Hello Facebook Friends,

My name is Brooke. I am a fully employed wife, mother and Team Beach Body Coach.
I LOVE it! Everything about it!
My Journey started with being a challenger. I was contacted by my now health and fitness coach ( Janell Wilson ) back in early 2015. A stranger who didn't know me, had no idea of my current health problems and had no idea about my (then) current struggles. She sent me a message and invited me to join her 60 day challenge group.(???) Unsure of what this was aside from the fact I had no energy to do a "Fitness Challenge Group" I ignored the message...until June that is. I thought about her message often , wondering if what she was offering could help me, debating if this "program" could help my current quality of life and fix some of the health issues I was having. (There was a long list )
After months of trying to figure out what was wrong with me, doing it my own way, essentially being stubborn; I contacted her back. She hooked me up with a fitness and nutrition program, put me in her 60 day challenge group and I got to WORK.
Unsure if this was going to help me I gave it a shot. I made a commitment to Myself I was going to TRY. I was going to complete her challenge whether it worked or not. I needed to TRY for myself and my family.
I followed my program ( the 21 day fix) the meal plan , the 30 minute workouts ( yep only 30 mins) and participated daily in my challenge group. ( FYI...they work )
6 months later I'm still in! I'm hooked !
I love what shakeology has done for my body. I still look forward to my daily workouts, I enjoy "clean eating " and I love running my own challenge groups!
( why I became a coach )
My health as turned around, I'm stronger ( inside -out) I've lost over 30 lbs, more than 16 inches total. But the best thing is how I "Feel". Not from a mirror standpoint but from an emotional standpoint, a biological standpoint. My daily headache's are gone, my exhaustion is gone, My health has improved tremendously ( mentally and physically)
My brain functioning is better, my fuzzy thinking is gone, my clarity is better!
I could keep going and going ..but you get the drift.
The reason I say this is because my "why" is bigger than "Skin Deep"
Do I love my "outward" results?
Of course I Do. Its my bonus. My reward for all my hard work and I'm not sorry for it.
But that is not what keeps me going.
What keeps me going ...
My drive to wake up everyday feeling whole, the passion I have for my family to be better for them, the energy and alive feeling I get everyday from pumping my muscles full of oxygen with a quick 30 min workout. My husband who has jumped on board so we can do this together.
My challengers who inspire me everyday with their hard work and dedication.
My son who I need all the energy I can get! My family ( close and distant ) who would not have tried this too if i didn't step out first. And ....
Myself , because I am worth it too!
I can't be of any use to anyone else if I'm not good myself.
So if you have been debating on coming along this crazy , awesome, life changing journey I would like to hear your "Why"!
Why are you Worth it ? Because YOU are!!

Meet Dena!!!! Dena had tried many things and would give up.
She was so happy when she found something that worked.

Meet Jody!!!!  She was a runner for years and still is a runner.  When she started with us she was amazed at how much this program she did, enhanced her time with her running.  She was excited to keep going.

Meet Robert!!!  He has been with the team since 2016 and still going strong...                             Robert was so worried about starting the program and right away was negative about the meal planning.  He said their was no way he was going to be able to follow what was on the meal plan.  After about two month he could not believe the amount of things that he had given up and thought he never could.  Robert is still active in the challenge group to this day and has completed many programs since. Robert is a rock star in the group.     


Meet Tracy!!!!
Tracy has been with the
Team ever since I started my journey in 2015
She is our Wonder Woman of the group.  Tracy always struggled with her 
body and being comfortable.  Much like us all she had those women problem areas.
Tracy runs, does the workouts with us, plays raquetball, and does kickboxing.
Now you can see why we call her Wonder Woman.  She has had an amazing transformation since 2015 and is still going strong in the group today.   

Meet Janelle!!!!  Truly Amazing girl. 

Janelle is amazing and one of those strong members that keeps this group going. Read her journey below and grab you some tissues. She truly is a rock star!!!!!!


My Why and My Reason right here in the Center... The girl on the left was some one that made me so unhappy. She lost her spirit and who she really was. She become someone that was completely opposite of who she had always been. She had her little family and held them tight during this time, but she wasn't the wife and mother she had once been. She couldn't go on adventures with them or even do certain little things with them she once did. She was trapped in so many ways physically and mentally both at the same time! She was lost in a losing battle! Until one day a change was made!
Over the years the weight came off and slowly she was finding her spirit once again! She was being the mother and wife she had set out to be! She was going on adventures again and doing all the little things that made her that special mom! She took all her time, energy, and placed it back into her little family! She embraced it all on such a high! She and them loved having her back! The family was complete and made whole once again! And even stronger than ever! She couldn't be happier and neither could they! She was so blessed and so thankful! She had won the Battle!
The weight was off and she was back! But she wanted more! She wanted to continue and she wanted to be the healthiest she could be! She needed to complete her transformation! She needed to tone up and work on her nutrition! Her nutrition and eating habits were so far off. She was always to busy to eat normal meals and lived on coffee. She had looked at so many different things and researched so many different things to help in making this happen. She tried little things to try to help in her nutrition, but she still wasn't close to were it needed to be for healthy. Then you add working out to tone up. It just wasn't that easy with her schedule. She had a busy life especially in the evenings that she couldn't get involved in different programs. She had heard of Beachbody in her research and seen people doing it. But still didn't jump on board. Clean eating looked a little difficult, the Shakeology she wasn't to sure about, and actually pushing herself to do the workouts at home again she was a little hesitant.
Then one day in September she decided to just go ahead and give it a try! Best decision she could've possibly made!! The workouts seemed like the easiest thing to add to her schedule! She could do it in her time on her schedule! Clean eating was worth a shot along with the Shakes! The program came with all of these things! Plus something she didn't even know to much about... A Challenge Group.
The end of September she had everything she needed and was ready to dive in! Wow! Is the best way to describe this! She was completely out of shape and the workouts let her know it. But they were absolutely perfect at the same time! She could do them and knew she would get stronger as she went! The clean eating was hard the first couple weeks adjusting to eating so much from her normal and getting the hang of it. The Shakeology was the easy part and to her surprise it was really good! It was kinda fun finding different recipes! The Challenge Groups were amazing! Two Coaches came together to run it. It's kinda like a mini closed Facebook group. You log, post pictures of your workouts, and post pictures of your Shakeology each day all along with others in your group! People that these two coaches have brought together. Everyone is doing different programs and at all different fitness levels. You see them, know your not alone, and it pushes you to do your workouts! You are part of something with people all with the same goals - A Healthy Life Style! Being the healthiest they can be! You get to know these people on a personal level and Cheer each other on! You also make friends with some of these people outside of this group. They are some really great people!

She finished her first program with some Great Results! She had went down 6 and a half inches! She felt great! Seeing her results and feeling her results lite a huge Spark inside her!
She has since continued on this journey! Becoming stronger and still seeing amazing results! She feels amazing and can't believe her own transformation! She never expected this kinda result! She has completely embraced her new healthy lifestyle change and has found someone she had completely forgotten about! HERSELF!! All her pieces have come back together! She is glowing and shining brighter than she has in a long time! She feels it from the inside out and so does her little family! Her husband has the person in fell in love with so many many years ago! A girl that he had also lost part of! Her children have met someone they really never knew in some ways! She is still their mom, but their seeing her in a different light! She herself is just happy to be whole once again!
This is my full story and my journey! This is me! The low and the high! This is my transformation! This is my Reason and my Why!


Testimonial from Tracy, who has been in the program for over 3 years now.


I first started with Beach Body 3 years ago to get myself back on track and to check out all the different workout programs they offered! I loved running but knew my endurance would improve if I did workouts like Beach Body. I also wanted to have tone muscles not just be thinner, I wanted to be FIT! I wanted to have a healthy life style to pass on to my family as well! I fell in LOVE with the challenge groups and about a year into the programs I became a coach just to get the Shakeology and workouts/merchandise cheaper.

I love inspiring people and I love being inspired so these challenge groups have been perfect! The one I have been in has been a constant ongoing group for over a year now! We check on each other, we know when someone hasn’t checked in for a while and call them out on that lol! We joke and post silly memes sometimes but most of all, we have each other backs, on the good and the bad days! It means a lot more when we are all inspired to help each other succeed!

I am forever Beachbody and will always tell people to join just for the positive reinforcement every day!!

I am the fittest and healthiest I have been maybe ever and I know it’s because this program and group of people have helped keep me on track and feeling good about myself! I know what I am capable of and I never stop trying to accomplish more, see what else I can do . . . I love that positive vibe, that energy that rushes through your body each morning to get that workout in and eat right and feel those changes happening to your body!!! It’s sooooo worth it!!!

I gained around 80 lbs with my last pregnancy way back 10 years ago and it took me 4 years to finally get down to my normal weight. I then started losing weight on my own but after 3 years of going back and forth 20 lbs or more, I found Beachbody and I am now the lowest I have ever been on the scale and at my goal, I have toned up most areas but still working on my legs! I am thrilled with how I have only gained 8 lbs or so most winters rather than 20 or more lbs like I used to!

It’s a wonderful lifestyle and I have been able to maintain which is the hard part in my book!! I am so grateful too for Janell reaching out to me after being in program for almost a year and helping me make that decision to be a coach and be part of this awesome challenge group we are in together!!!! Life changing for sure!!!!


Testimonial - Hear it from Diana, who has been in the program for over a year now.


Ahhhh where to begin, I started my fitness journey after having my son. While pregnant with my son I became deathly ill. I lived on a pic line for over 7 months in the hospital not being able to eat or drink anything my entire pregnancy. I had a very trying, long devastating 9 months of peer hell. After holding my in my arms for the first time looking in his eyes I knew he was my miracle boy and if I had to do it all over again I would.
I went from 150 to 128 in a matter of 2 weeks and throwing up non stop. When I had my baby boy I was 194 pounds. Talk about completely embarrassed. I have never been so heavy in my life. I was determined to get that weight off and become healthy. I started my workout journey about 6 weeks after my baby boy was born. I started out with Brazilian butt lift, went to Piyo, 21 day fix extreme, T25, Max 30, Hammer and Chisel, many Jillian Michaels DVDs, and I went from 193 to 130.
It has been a very long hard journey, but so worth the hard work. My daughter even works out with me now and she watches me. Knowing that my babies are watching me and looking up to me and telling me how fit I'm getting makes me so proud. I'm so blessed that my babies are being influenced by my good choices. Life is not easy and I have my trails just like anyone else. I find that working out is my stress reliever. I met my coach Janell Wilson a little over a year or so ago and I joined her accountability group to keep me accountable. Plus you meet so many amazing people who are on there own journey. It's an amazing tool. However, I ended up leaving the group for a while because life Happened and I had a lot of personal things going on that I just needed a break. I still did my workouts every day. I just didn't post in the group. I am now back in the accountability group doing my new favorite kick a$$ workout Core De Force, and I absolutely love it. This workout has made me so much stronger and is toning my body in ways I didn't know were even possible. I plan dong another round of Core De Force, but with the incorporation of the advanced classes.
My main goal is to show my children they can do whatever they want and they are stronger then they think. As long as by babies are watching, I'll be doing the best I can to keep myself healthy and fit. After all my children are my saving grace. What an awesome feeling it is to be a strong mommy.!!!!!

My name is Ana, I’m 51 years old. I had always been healthy and slim during my younger years until my mid 40’s. I started gaining weight and not doing anything about it until one of my sisters got me into working out at her gym. I tried it for about 6 months. I started noticing the busier it got the more I didn’t want to be there or wait for any of the workout equipment to open up. Not only that but people staring at me made me uncomfortable. I tried to eat healthy but never lost weight. I started doing Zumba and love it but I’d always got bored of the same workout. Then I had heard about Beachbody and thought I can’t afford it. I kept reading about it and convinced myself that I can do this and then went back on how I couldn’t afford it. I posted healthy/motivational quotes on Facebook, all to keep reminding me that I can do this and lose weight by working out.I then got an invite from a Beachbody coach and at first I thought I can’t it’s too expensive. She gave me information and I read everything again and said to myself, “why not!” I am paying for this plan plus getting healthy and fit! What am I waiting for? I’m worth it! I’ll cut down on going out to lunch and give it a try. I also got on a group challenge which was awesome because in that group of people there were people there that were just like me and some that had already been on a group challenge and it has worked for them too. My first challenge was a 7 day challenge and I lost 5 lbs!! I didn’t think I would like Shakeology but it’s so good! I started to feel more energetic and I had more confidence in myself. After that I went on my own thinking I’ve got this and then went back to missing my workouts and eating bad on the weekends. I am human, we all are but when I really put my mind to it, I know that all I need to do is get on a Beachbody challenge group to help me get motivated and do it all over again. The hard part is to start all over again. Don’t make excuses because we all have them. Just like we schedule ourselves to get up and go to work, that’s what we need to do to stay healthy and strong. A big thank you to my Beachbody coach Janell for not giving up on me.




Being a mom is tough. Tough on your time and tougher on your body, and it gets really easy to forget to take care of yourself. I was full of excuses for a long time. I thought that I didn't have the time to take care of me, since almost every waking moment is devoted to my family and keeping the household running. I watched, via social media, a friend of mine from high school who started doing the Beachbody programs, and waited to see her progress. I was so impressed with her results! I messaged her a few times about starting and put it off for months, again convincing myself that I didn't have the time. I finally decided last January to join. It was 21 days, I can do anything for 21 days. That turned into 5 months, and before I knew it, the mom body that my beautiful children had helped to create, started to turn back into "my" body, the way it was before. Sure, it wasn't as tight as it used to be, but it was HUGE progress. The best part was how I felt. I had so much more energy, even though I was waking up and hour earlier. I felt stronger, and I felt like I was more engaging. I started a new program on January 15th, and now just 50 days in I am down 12 inches! I can honestly say that NONE of this would be possible without the support of my coaches and fellow challengers! I would have probably given up after the first 21 days, if I even made it that far. This group holds me accountable, and since I have to post my workout and shake daily, when I don't and everyone else does.....well you can imagine how I feel. The BEST part???? When I open up our challenge group app, all that I can see is celebration. We celebrate our own victories (big and small), but better yet everyone else is celebrating with us. I owe a HUGE thank you not just to Beachbody, but to all my "teammates" who are right there with me every day!
Tiffany, mom of 3

This is another amazing mom, wife, friend, coach, and awesome addition to our amazing support group. Please read her story below because these stories right here are what make our groups so amazing!!! Words from Randi Jorgensen herself ❤️
Not only has she been an inspiration to us in the group, but she has become an inspiration to her husband and son who have both joined in the group and working out every day with her.
👉Prior to Beachbody, I was a yoyo dieter that would lose weight and put it back on several times. I was tired, unmotivated, and lacked consistency in sticking with anything for an extended period of time. When my sponsor finally convinced me to try Shakeology for 30 days, I fell in love!
👉First, the Shakeology itself is amazing. I literally do not get sick and if by chance I do catch a bug, I do not get sick as bad as others do. Plus, it tastes good, it’s healthy, quick, and fits into my schedule so the benefits to me far outweigh the cost. 😉
👉Secondly, my sponsor and coach have been absolutely wonderful to work with. My coach is motivational, understanding, and a mentor. She is someone that I have learned so much from on a business and personal level. She has become a friend and someone that I can confide in when things get tough and she is there with great advice every time!👍👍👍
👉Thirdly, the challenge or motivational groups are a place that you can hold yourself accountable for keeping on track with your fitness and Shakeology routines. You can conversate with others going through the same things as you so you know you are not alone. The people in my challenge groups have become friends as well! My friends that I have met from Beachbody even though most I have never met in person, are the most supportive people I know! 👫
GOAL: Ultimately lose weight so I can be healthy, have more energy, and feel better. My every day motivation comes from seeing results whether it's my clothes fitting better, or having stamina to make it through a day without extra caffeine. My long term motivation is my son!
She has succeeded and feels amazing!!!!

If you LOVE these testimonials and want to be part of these testimonials please fill out the form below.  Once you join you will be part of a lifetime group of making health and fitness your lifestyle with the rest of us.  Come JOIN us today!!!!

Janell Wilson

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